Try ExamplesΒΆ
Clon the repo and install dependencies:
$ git clone $ cd flask-ckeditor $ pip install -r requirements/examples.txt $ cd examples
Change into the example folder, then run the app:
$ cd basic $ python
Now go to with your favourite browser.
Aside from the basic example, there are five additional examples:
examples/codesnippet: This example demonstrates how to use the Code Snippet plugin.
examples/flask-admin: This example demonstrates how to use CKEditor for Flask-Admin.
examples/flask-admin-upload: This example demonstrates how to use CKEditor for Flask-Admin with image upload.
examples/image-upload: This example demonstrates how to support image upload in Flaks-CKEditor.
examples/without-flask-wtf: This example demonstrates how to use CKEditor without Flask-WTF.